Duane Blake

Front end developer

Tag: Javascript

How to write a Password strength indicator in VueJs

My current place of work like most site has a password strength indicator. The requirements for the password is it has to be longer than seven characters, a capital letter, a special character and a number. All these requirements are currently hidden behind a tooltip. Which isn’t ideal for the user experience. An approach I saw recently was list all the requirements and change the opacity once they have been validated. I thought this would be idea for my work site. So I decided to rebuild it in Vue.

Password Strength using Vue

Youtube Gallery using VueJS

At work recently I created a youtube gallery widget using a mixture of jQuery and HandlebarJS. I decide to rebuild my Gallery widget but using VueJs framework something I’ve not used before.

Youtube Gallery using VueJS

Dynamically generate the current year

It’s coming up to my favorite time of the year where dev go through their site and update the year of the copyright of the site. But this is such a tedious task which you should allow the code to do itself. I’m going to demo a couple ways to update the change the date.
