duane blake

Category: How to

Adding tasks to Todoist from the command line

I’ve been using Todoist for close to ten years. I find it a great tool to track my task and get ideas out of my head. There is a browser implementation and apps which works on pretty much works on every OS. Since I spend a lot of time in my code editors such as Vim and VSCode. Both which have community plugins for Todoist. However I wanted something which will work the same in all my editors which I use. The following code goes through how I wrote a simple bash script to add items to my Todoist account.

Adding tasks to todoist from the command line

Read this article about Adding tasks to Todoist from the command line

Setting up a SSH Config File

From time to time there are occasions where I need to SSH to a server. In the past when I was on a Windows machine I would use Putty. Now that I’m using Linux on a day to day basis. I can no longer use Putty I wasn’t to keen on using the traditional way of ssh remote_username@remote_host. As I have several servers and I don’t always have the IP Addresses and usernames to hand. So i’m going to demonstrate how to connect to server using a SSH config file.

How to create a SSH config file

Read this article about Setting up a SSH Config File