duane blake

Category: Laravel

How to Update Input Values Dynamically based on another input with Laravel and Livewire

One of the things I love about modern development tools and frameworks is how they make it so easy to do simple features. Years ago, these sorts of things I’m about to show would be some jQuery gymnastic with a prayer that it works in IE. Updating another value based on input in Livewire is a simple process with modern frameworks like Livewire and Laravel.

Livewire mascot

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Using the Chat GPT API to create a Tweet from content on a URL

With all the talk going around with Chat GPT and the latest development with AI. I decided to spend some time looking at using the API to create a very small MVP. The aim was to spend a couple of hours building a app. Where a user provides a URL and then selects from a list of predefined tones from the site, the site would then generates the tweet on that link with the chosen tone.

Using the Chat GPT API to create a Tweet from content on a URL

Read this article about Using the Chat GPT API to create a Tweet from content on a URL