Published on December 30, 2024 | Posted in Gaming
Games I completed in 2024
As we come to the end of the year, I wanted to reflect on some of the games I have completed. This year was a lot different for me, as I usually go back and replay games I completed before. But there is not one game on this list I have completed before. I’m also trying to focus on finishing games from my backlog, as every year, it seems to get bigger and not go down. So, there are quite a few older titles on this list.

Unicorn Overlord

Unicron Overlord is on my list of favourite games of all time. Given the various races, classes, and unit types to experiment with, I loved building my specific team and optimising my strategy. It’s one of those games where I kept telling myself, “Just one more map”. The developers’ passion for this project shines through, from the world-building of the lore to the artwork of the characters. Vanillaware has done a phenomenal job with the thought that went into this project to make a best-of-class tactical RPG. I sunk just over 220 hours into the game and plan to tackle another run on the hardest difficulty, True Zenoiran, either next year or the following year.
Star Wars Force Unleashed

I went to Disney World this year and got the Star Wars bug after going on the Rise of the Resistance and Smugglers Run. I got this game as part of the Star Wars Heritage pack on the Nintendo Switch. I first played this game on the Xbox 360, and I played through it several times, trying to collect all of the Holocrons. Playing the Switch version, I kept thinking I couldn’t remember this, and the game seemed a bit more button-bashy. I decided to look into it and realised that the game was based on the Wii version.
Overall, I thought the game was just okay. It gets repetitive in parts as the combat is a lot more primitive compared to the 360 and PS3 versions. It’s a shame they ported that version of the game and decided not to go with the 360 version.
Mirrors Edge

I have already written my thoughts on this game. You can read it here. But a quick summary is a short and enjoyable experience focused on its unique mechanics. I think it had another sequel. They could have ironed out all the shortcomings.
Detroit Being Human

A lot of games say they offer branching storylines, but the reality is that there are a few different dialogue options. Then, it just leads to the same outcome. The game is set in the future with tensions between androids and humans. In the game, you play as three different android characters and how their storylines tangle together. The developers Quantic Dream did a phenomenal job with the visuals as they built out a futuristic depiction of Detroit. The game soundtrack is one of the best scores from a game I have recently heard. My main letdown for the games is quick time events, as there are several of them at key parts of the story. If you are not fast on your fingers, you could fail the mission and not get the perfect endings. It is a game I will revisit in the future.
Fire Emblem Engage

I have been a massive Fire Emblem fan since playing Awakening on the Nintendo DS. This game features characters from previous instalments, making seeing familiar faces like Robin and Lucina enjoyable. However, this is my least favourite out of all the Fire Emblem games I have played. For example, the art design. While it doesn’t have as much replay value as Three Houses due to its house system, I recommend that anyone looking to play a Fire Emblem game on the Switch choose Three Houses. The way the story works when doing multiple play-throughs allows you to see different storylines.
Infamous first light

Infamous First Light was my introduction to the Infamous series, and I chose it because I wanted a game with a shorter playtime to tackle from my backlog. As a standalone DLC, you begin with many powers already unlocked, which makes both combat and traversal around the map much easier. The gameplay reminded me a lot of Saints Row 4 in certain parts. I believe that playing the earlier games would have helped me appreciate the story and lore more. It’s a solid game if you’re looking for a brief, action-packed superhero experience, but it’s best enjoyed with some knowledge of the series.
Steam World Dig 2

I played the first game on the Vita. In the storyline, you control Dorthy, who is searching for the protagonist from the first game. The SteamWorld series features an appealing art style and charming dialogue. This game improves on many mechanics from the original, making them more accessible. I enjoyed the gameplay loop of digging down, returning to the surface, and cashing in my treasures with the merchant for coins, which I used to buy upgrades and items.
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope is another game where I played the previous game. The game builds on the tactical gameplay of the original. The original was more of a gird-based system similar to the Xcom games. The game sequel allows for more unrestricted movement within a character’s range, allowing flexibility and strategy in approaching each map. Since the game targets a younger audience, you may find it easier if you have much experience playing tactical RPGs.