Duane Blake

Front end developer

How to write a Password strength indicator in VueJs

My current place of work like most site has a password strength indicator. The requirements for the password is it has to be longer than seven characters, a capital letter, a special character and a number. All these requirements are currently hidden behind a tooltip. Which isn’t ideal for the user experience. An approach I saw recently was list all the requirements and change the opacity once they have been validated. I thought this would be idea for my work site. So I decided to rebuild it in Vue.

Password Strength using Vue

How to add author information from WordPress into Google Anayltics

Google Analytics is a valuable tool for any website it provide a great way to have insights in how users browse and discover your website. With a little bit of effort it possible to get more out Analytics in this guide we show how to add WordPress authors on blog post into Google Anayltics.

How to add author information from WordPress into Google Anayltics

Using Npm instead of Gulp to compile Sass

I’m a big fan of Gulp, I’ve been using it for over two years recently I found myself using NPM scripts for my Javascript Applications. So I decided to see if it possible for me to use NPM also to compile my sass files.


System notifcation in Gulp using Notify and Plumber

A bugbear when I first started using Gulp instead of using Compass for compiling my stylesheets. Was Gulp would just crashed and you had to restart gulp to get it back running. In this guide i’m going to show you how to prevent this along side showing a system notification for when it errors and when the code compiled.

System notifcation in Gulp using Notify and  Plumber