duane blake

How to find website most traffic by day of the week and time of the day using Google Analytics

We had a situation at work where we wanted to launch a campaign. We wanted to find out when was the busiest day and what time was the busiest. Doing this with the out of the box reports in Google Analytics is difficult as there no way to create this report. The best way to do this is to create a custom report.

How to find website most traffic by day of the week and time of the day using Google Analytics

Read this article about How to find website most traffic by day of the week and time of the day using Google Analytics

Restrict access to a website to only certain IP Addresses

When building a new website there is a number of ways in which you can allow the user to see the site before launch. The way in which I tend to prefer is once the site is live give the client the a record and request them to change there host file so they can get to the site. However not all people have the ability to change there host file. My fallback process is get the user IP Address and add it to htaccess file.

Restrict access to a website to only certain IP Addresses

Read this article about Restrict access to a website to only certain IP Addresses