duane blake

My most used WP-CLI commands

I’ve only just recently started WP-CLI(WordPress Command Line Interface).  It’s something I wish I started using earlier. Basically what WP-CLI does is allows you to run typical WordPress actions such as updating user passwords, removing plugins and backing up a WordPress database from the command line in the root of your WordPress installation.

Usefull WP-CLI commands

Read this article about My most used WP-CLI commands

Setting up a SSH Config File

From time to time there are occasions where I need to SSH to a server. In the past when I was on a Windows machine I would use Putty. Now that I’m using Linux on a day to day basis. I can no longer use Putty I wasn’t to keen on using the traditional way of ssh remote_username@remote_host. As I have several servers and I don’t always have the IP Addresses and usernames to hand. So i’m going to demonstrate how to connect to server using a SSH config file.

How to create a SSH config file

Read this article about Setting up a SSH Config File